Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Talk of a heart attack five (the role of physical exercise's health)

Human body's circulatory system as we winter heating water systems, in addition to a need to adjust the quality of blood (such as for heating water with salt water to soften the same), also need to pay attention to the inner wall of blood vessels and the outer wall maintenance. Both inside and outside the walls of blood vessels and maintenance, maintenance of the principal depends on a reasonable physical activity. According to the United States, professor of cardiovascular outcome of the latest research, said: the human body's blood every day needs of the rapid flow of more than two, whose role is to wash the blood vessel wall of dirt and the rapid flow of blood through the blood to clear the refuse in order to achieve the blood vessel The purpose of softening. After the rapid flow of blood in the blood to produce a substance called nitric oxide, this material will be cleared and the blood vessel wall of garbage and excreted through sweat.
So, how is it reasonable physical activity? This issue is varies from person to person, and the activities of some people need a strong ability on the activities of a moment, some people less physical activity weak moment, but the bottom line of the activities of the general need to control more than 30 minutes to sweat for a good body. In the activities generally do not engage in intense, especially middle-aged and elderly, to the extent of sweating it, such as can insist that time can stretch some. As long as my heart rate was accelerated it, time and sweat to determine each person a reasonable time for a good exercise.
This exercise is to maintain, maintenance of the circulatory system of blood vessel wall, a long time in order to receive significant results; for the vascular wall of the maintenance and upkeep is another set of options. This is mostly in China to use their own hands lightly tap various parts of the body limbs, head, including eyes, are suitable for hand massage. This flap to adhere to 20 minutes a day more than more than a few months in order to adhere to achieve the desired result. And outside China have used hot springs, the body heat, sauna, professional massage and other methods. But regardless of which method is to promote micro-vascular circulation, which means to accelerate the promotion of capillary circulation, so as to protect the human muscle activity, so the body's muscles and other long flexible benefits. In fact, only the muscles of living, can the skin moisturizing, moisturizing skin and muscle, the circulatory system of blood vessel wall will be maintenance, maintenance of good. Would like to remind you that in this way, the outer wall of the blood vessels of the circulatory system maintenance, maintenance of the premise is to be vegetarian for more than three months and confirmed the quality of blood under normal circumstances in order to receive results, or else will be accidents! Keep this in mind!
Why it is necessary to adjust the quality of blood vessel wall can do after the maintenance, maintenance activities? Because the blood quality adjusted properly, the blood still a large number of free radicals (what we commonly known as spam) that their rubbish in the blood as the formation of particulate matter in many different things with the flow of blood everywhere, if not removed out on the beat, a very easily give rise to the capillaries of the plug, the formation of blood stasis or partial necrosis of skin problems.
Here, everyone should understand the importance of adjusting the quality of blood, the blood quality and not adjust well, the blood of the waste will cause trouble sooner or later, these things block where we all can not stand, plug in the heart is coronary heart disease, blocking cerebral embolism in the brain that is, if high blood pressure coupled with the hardening of the arteries, it will cause a stroke, etc., it is even more dangerous.
In our lives, many people in the 70-80 years old also seems to be particularly young, moisturizing the skin is still quite bright, and some people on the 50-60 year-old wrinkled skin dry and matte, which is to adjust the quality of the two blood only the appearance of different results.
This exercise is also a direct and adjust our life and health are directly linked, so it should arouse our attention. Some friends that were still young, but also有一拼; Some said to make a living on the Advisory Board can not so much, this way of thinking should not be! I am not ill all those years, just like them when they want to be when I come out from the operating room after fleeing aware: I would like to Hou then hung up, the world no longer exciting and I have nothing to do, because I was can know?

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