Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Long-term increase in cholesterol-induced heart pressure

Grateful to alleviate depression

Whether it is a partner for life or the work or achievements, and some people even feel like as long as they are alive Ping'an their life for what is eternally grateful, this feeling can guarantee the normal functioning of the body and to promote the immune system, and body systems working correctly. United States Institute of哈特麦斯Rowling middot;麦克拉提studied the emotional health and physical health of the relationship between, she found a similar love, gratitude and to meet such a sentiment, it will stimulate the posterior lobe of the pituitary hormone secretion, It will relax the nervous system, alleviate depression, the body of the oxygen content of the various organizations will also increase significantly, as has been the same rehabilitation treatment. Electrocardiogram showed that in gratitude, the brain and heart are synchronized current activities, so that the relevant organs of the operation more effective.

Easy to feel tired a long-term pressure

A row at work, under the pressure of life, there will be chronic suppression of the phenomenon. Stanford University biological sciences professor Robert middot; pressure Sapolsky is an expert, which he described as: "the human body of long-term high cortisol levels of the defense system will make you no longer sensitive, memory and accuracy have declined, warning of the invasion were no longer sensitive, easier to feel tired, depressed people will become frustrated, reproductive ability. "If all the year round in the chronic suppression, the blood glucose and fatty acids are increased risk of diabetes and heart disease risk of natural will be larger. University of London, the latest research also shows that the pressure will make the human body increased cholesterol levels, also induced cardiovascular disease.

Laugh to relax the body's muscle tension

California State University scientists found that laugh will relax the body's muscle tension, reducing stress-induced hormone secretion and increase the oxygen content in the blood. University of Maryland Medical Center cardiovascular experts also confirmed that the laughter of people can unload unwanted pressure, protect blood vessel wall, thus reducing the risk of a heart attack. When people laugh, there is a need to mobilize the body more than 4 100 muscles, which can effectively heat consumption. The researchers estimate that laughing 100 times the equivalent of rowing for 10 minutes and 15 minutes cycling step aerobic exercise.

Anger, impatience, irritability, resentment damage to health

When people angry, it is difficult to say how effective the system anger is vent your anger, or try to suppress the anger, because it has adverse effects in two ways. Studies have shown that the authority figures will not be honored for their own things loudly, while the female spouse if the confrontation with their own repressed anger, which died of a heart attack, stroke or cancer risk is two times higher. Anger at the time of the outbreak only a few minutes, but because of a sudden and drastic increase adrenaline levels, high blood pressure, heart rate to accelerate to more than 50-year-old people, a heart attack or stroke will be higher than 5 times odds.

In addition some of the anger was not obvious symptoms such as impatience, irritability, resentment, etc., will also damage your health, because they state with anxiety, depression, and will inhibit the immune system in the state and more easily transmitted diseases. When people are depressed, pessimistic and indifferent state, the body's serotonin and dopamine are low, and these two substances in the brain feel good neurotransmitters, which is why 45 percent of patients have a tendency to be depressed all sorts of reasons for pain discomfort. Depression with poor sleep, fatigue and sexual dysfunction related.

Emotional release而哭bad mood

When you cry, when indeed the release of the body's bad mood. U.S. biochemist William middot;弗利博士will而哭emotion and tears onion negative熏得done a comparison and found that when estrogen secretion而哭more hormones and neurotransmitters, may lead to low blood pressure, pulse slow sync and other brain wave patterns, therefore concluded that estrogen而哭help suppress the body to remove the chemical composition, if always忍住不哭, then people will unnecessary tension in the body more vulnerable to anxiety such as the impact of negative emotions, including weakened immunity, memory deterioration and weaker such as the ability to digest.

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