Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Talk of a heart attack 14 (water and cancer)

I said in my previous articles have said cancer is a blood disease, so here to continue to talk about the causes of cancer.
Statistics show there are 60% - 80% of cancer causes and the relationship between the water environment. In recent years, research data shows that: in the groundwater and surface water and tap water there are cancer-causing factors. Chlorination of drinking water will produce trihalomethanes. Put simply, directly or indirectly, chemical substances discharged into the water, the number is staggering. In the United States, in 1974 after the drinking water supply system has been detected in the organic and inorganic pollutants in more than 2100 kinds. In that 2100 kinds of pollutants, there are 190 kinds of pollutants was identified adverse health, carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenesis; some components or even directly is toxic, containing strong toxicity.

From another perspective, even the drinking water in line with the country's drinking water standards, we are also not convinced that out from the tap water contains not weaken our immune system or lead to cancer substances. There are also many potential cancer-causing ingredients often 20 - 30 years before they show up, along with each of us different metabolic functions, and therefore the response of cancer also vary, and many other reasons, therefore, the study exact figures are not get out, but from the experimental point of view of the arguments have more force in the.

Drinking water in a variety of cancer-causing factors such as the role of fluoride. However, the contents of these are carcinogenic, in order to overcome these factors, the study should be directed towards prevention of cancer. In recent years, the research focused on four areas: namely, TDS, hardness, PH and silica. U.S. scholars analyzed the 100 major cities in the United States drinking water, found that moderate drinking water content of TDS (about 300mg / L), is hard water, alkaline (PH> 7.0), and contains 15mg / L dioxide silicon, cancer deaths will be reduced by 10% - 25%. These scholars also found that the silica and cancer relevance, that is, the higher the silica content, the person with cancer less. There is a time when the water is hard water on the lower incidence of cancer. Thus drinking water contains high TDS and hardness will greatly reduce heart disease and cancer mortality. In addition a substantial amount of research data, to maintain the original ecological water beneficial trace elements, such as selenium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, silica and other useful elements; also remove lead, mercury, heavy metals like cadmium, at the same time PH value guaranteed to be greater than 7.35 - 9.0 weak alkaline water on the human body is the most useful. After studies have shown: such a good long-term drinking water, for cardio-cerebral vascular disease patients and extremely useful in patients with gout; of diabetes and other diseases of the patients have a great role in alleviating; of cancer patients life-prolonging effect .

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