Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Talk of a heart attack 12 (the role of drinking)

In front with a lot of space to talk about the "food" the adjustment of therapeutic effect, in fact, "drink" is greater than the role of "food" the role, why do I say that? We take a look at the human body tissues and organs of the ratio of aquifer : blood water content of 83%; kidney for 81.7 percent; 79.2 percent for the heart; the lungs of 79%; spleen was 75.8%; muscle to 75.6%; gastrointestinal 74.5%; the skin for 72%; 68.3% for the liver; brain tissue is 74.8 percent water, and even the bones of 22% is water. Since such a large proportion of the body of water, then hit the water in the life of the role of water in the human body is as important as the proportion. If we as a body organ bad (such as the kidney), only to indulge in a large number of medicine and health products instead of improving the body of "water" quality, in other words, the human consumption or "bad water," the body will be filled with "bad water", which would damage the environment within the body's balance, then it will not cure the disease.
Can be seen from the water is up to the composition of the body, but also to digest food, send nutrients to the various organizations, the excretion of human waste, body fluids (such as blood and lymph) circulation, lubricating joints and various internal organs (to keep them moist, making the material through cells and blood vessels), as well as necessary to regulate body temperature. Water containing dissolved minerals in the blood system, as if it were dissolved, as the calcium and magnesium, as required to maintain a healthy human tissue.
I am here to see large amounts of data have proved that drinking water can be less disease and longevity, drinking bad water will give birth to many patients can not understand. We also passed a certain area of civil longevity village, the reason for this is that the place of water, such as a good story.
On China's current drinking water, we are here to big city tap water as an example, although the country in 2007 on the promulgation of a new drinking water standard for the transfer of the original 35 indicators changed to 106 targets, but This does not say that we drink water on the qualified, and is the description of the chemical pollution of surface water requires us to raise the water standards, according to the information, said the ground floor of 150 meters has also been deep-water pollution. Therefore, we must importance of drinking water filters to detect and deeper problem, Why?
1, tap water may be qualified factory standards, but after a long-distance transmission, not on the pipeline to avoid secondary pollution, and some places is not only a pipeline of pollution problems, such as high-rise district of water storage tanks is the most serious pollution example (in the dead rats found bubbles larger than a cat), etc.;
2, there are units in many cities residential quarters of the water instead of tap water supply company waterworks, but fighting units supply their own deep wells, as units of various conditions, the water simply can not pass;
3, there is the city's old residential area is underground pipes installed 50 years ago, the building had been leaking everywhere aging, such as water pipes and underground garbage, such as dirt even together, so that will give the water a greater harm to the body.
In short, as a result of a variety of reasons and circumstances, the city's water has been unable to reach the needs of human health standards, so the need for health to think of ways to improve.
From another perspective, even if it is normal tap water, there are three aspects need attention:
1, tap water standards are safety standards for human drinking water, rather than human health standards; This is a huge difference;
2, now most people still drink boiled the water, from a health perspective this is unhealthy, why? Because the tap water in the process of boiling the water of dissolved oxygen also evaporation, so water cooler water the flowers dead flowers, fish dead fish, that is, through the heating Although killing bacteria, but also kills the human body needs The nutrients and minerals has changed the composition and function, so this can not be healthy!
3, also in the tap water there antivirus needs of chlorine residues, the most deadly are those heavy metals, these substances enter the body after it is very difficult to discharge, the platoon did not happen out and left in the body should be on bodily harm! Therefore, it should not be allowed to enter to be considered!
Also want to say is that bottled water, in the 315 event in 2002, the China Central Television has broadcast a serious problem of bottled water, a medical garbage barrels manufacturing, and the other is filling with water, and 50% failed over the issue of shocking people, do not dwell in the meeting.
Over the years, many studies have revealed the water and cardio-cerebral vascular disease mortality relationship, the study shows that the hardness and total dissolved solids are two useful factors, which are associated with lower mortality rates of cardio-cerebral vascular disease is associated.
Water hardness is the value refers to the total amount of calcium and magnesium or CaCO3 quantity, CaCO3 more water more hardware, CaCO3 fewer, more soft water.
Now, accompanied by the development of technology, filtering harmful substances and to retain these beneficial substances in the water equipment has been a number of enterprise development: also developed a water generator called electrolysis machine can restore Health alkalescent to restore water and weak acid water, alkaline inside, and acidic water for external use, can be described as a machine producing water, the two machines can be used together, so that the output will be a good water, and now, this machine has in some large shopping malls on sale, I buy After test results are obvious, has banned a number of coarse grains. The water is alkaline, small molecules, negative potential, can achieve the body's needs, mainly water permeability very good things to eat under the fast, which is impossible in the past, according to the current experiment look, there would certainly be a windfall! Hope that we attach importance to!

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