Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Talk of a heart attack eight (most early detection of cancer treatment and caring)

Cancer is also a blood disease, the latest research results that: the blood of cancer because of the poor quality of the worst in a long time after the worst of the worst results. Therefore, it can be included in the cancer of cardio-cerebral vascular disease on to analyze.
According to the latest research data shows that: Cancer is the poisoning as a result of cell divisions and generate a large number of cloning, the most basic reasons or because of blood caused by poor quality, given that it is because the quality of blood lead, it can be found from the blood of its earliest lesions situation.
In fact, the human body against the disease early warning system is very sensitive, when abnormal blood or human illness, the body would be uncomfortable or loss of appetite, and some will be reflected in more intense. If it is malignant diseases of the blood with the beginning of Ni, who will be at a whole body of non-smooth, and in full inspiratory hold after gas pressure in blood vessels accompanied by a large number of small stinging and non-smooth feeling. If at this time to do blood tests, you will find signs of the disease.
Cancer in the early stage, there would be more performance: check the blood will be found, such as total bilirubin and indirect bilirubin superscalar; there 50 times in the ultra-high-fold in dried blood under the microscope will be more sialic acid strains; another from other blood tests also can be found showing a similar disease, when these performance, it is necessary to take measures as soon as possible, otherwise you will aggravate the disease. After the treatment of exacerbations should be up more trouble.
According to the latest available figures, the early detection of cancer to take to drink carrot juice from this method is the best treatment so far. Drink vegetable juice and drink Law as follows:
1, day three meals of carrot juice,每顿with six larger more than 500 ml of carrot juice, apple juice at the same time increase income slowly with the mouth and then swallow slowly;
2, Supplementary food must be fresh fruit and vegetables, wash after the old mature vinegar dip raw, remember not to eat salt and sugar, can not be in the mix lettuce;
3, in the use of carrot juice during the period by no means ready food and cooked food to eat, drink tea, to drink tea;
4, must be assisted consumption supplements are: the daily spoonful of protein powder; vitamin E 2; VC twice 4; Spirulina like每顿15, Dayton Daily 3; (Note: must use of vitamin from plants extracted, do not use chemically synthesized);
5, began taking the time to control in more than three months, followed by 15 days per month for the best;
6, blood diseases are caused due to a low sodium high-K, and therefore usually have to eat less salt, eat some fruit for the best orange;
7, there is an important issue that is sick must be adjusted after a good mentality, change unhealthy habits, does not drink, do not smoke, sleep sleep at noon, no later than 22:00 must be 11 o'clock to go to bed on time;
8, a day exercise, the activities of at least 1 hour, but also to do better each time activities are sweating.
9, maintain a good mood, good mood and happy to deal with all.
This approach can not only the early treatment of cardio-cerebral vascular disease and early cancer, for patients with advanced disease and other patients who also have great therapeutic effect, but due to the traditional thinking of the people affected and their loved ones at home "advice" often difficult to implement, the result on the result of premature deaths.
Should let everyone know: the vast majority of diseases are due to the formation of blood quality, and if the high quality of people's blood, and will in all kinds of non-invasive! In the hope you will cherish their own, but also cherish their own lives!
Hope that we try, practice has proved: the health of people use this approach to health is also very beneficial, young lady by this method can achieve the purpose of healthy weight loss, while maintaining excellent appearance. Hope that we exchange messages and visitors! Thanks!

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