Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Emotional heart disease

<1>. Chinese name:
Emotional heart

<2>. Diseases Introduction
Emotional heart is a heart attack in the relatively rare type of a. Morbidity due to geographical differences in different countries, about 1 / 100000 around.
In human development period (2-3 years of puberty), as a result of pessimistic sentiment in the state of long-term impact on cardiac function to maintain a balance of some substances and trace elements absorbed by heart and the formation of abnormal blood vessels, or after birth should be self-closing access failed to close the heart, known as the emotional heart.
Often emotional, is the incidence of low mentality.
Optimistic on the emotional heart disease is cured and mitigation or efficacy.

<3>. Symptoms described in detail

1, arrhythmia: its clinical manifestation is due to pulmonary circulation, systemic circulation hyperemia, a decrease in cardiac output. Heart rate per minute up to 160 -190 times, low blood pressure often. Gallop rhythm can be heard. Breath, difficulty in breathing and tachycardia.
2, cyanosis: Its was the result of moving from right to left shunt of mixed venous blood.
3, palpitations: heart beat fast and strong consciously and with precordial discomfort. Insomnia, forgetfulness, dizziness, tinnitus and other co-exist.
4, arrhythmias: the origin of parts of cardiac rhythm, cardiac frequency and rhythm, as well as any of the impulse conduction, such as abnormal. Conduction time constant (adult 0.12 ~ 1.21 seconds); impulse by the bundle branch and its branches, as well as Purkinje fibers arrive ventricular conduction time constant (<0.10 seconds).
5, pulmonary hypertension: When septal defect or patent ductus arteriosus patients with serious pulmonary hypertension and cyanotic syndrome, etc., they were known as Eisenmenger Syndrome.
6, arrhythmias: change as a result of heart disease leading to heart Pollex Mobile abnormal pathological phenomenon.
7. Other: chest pain, dizzy stick up.

<4>. Inspections NGAN watched early detection

Saying, the anti-disease-free early and take preventive measures; sick as early as governance, never too late to mend. Heart disease prevention and treatment of the key is "early."

So how does the early detection of heart disease? NGAN concept that detect color: In addition to common heart palpitations, heart pain and other symptoms known outside, and often there are some signs of surface. They threatened to observe the symptoms, can be early detection and treatment.

<5>. Surface signs

1. Respiratory made some minor activities, or in a quiet state, the emergence of shortness of breath, but not with cough, expectoration. This situation is likely to be left ventricular dysfunction in the performance.

2. If the pale gray and pale purple, indifferent expression, which is dying of a heart attack late face. If呈暗红色face, this is emotional rheumatic heart disease, mitral stenosis characteristics. If you were pale, there may be emotional signs of mitral insufficiency.

3. Nose if the nose hard, suggesting that fat accumulated too much heart. If a sharp nose swollen, indicating that fat may also enlarged heart or heart change is widening. In addition, the red nose often foreshadowed emotional heart sick.

4. The skin of chronic heart failure, pulmonary heart disease in patients with advanced skin can be dark brown or dark purple, with long-term hypoxic tissues, a decline in adrenocortical function. Mucocutaneous and acral Green was purple, that the heart of oxygen in the blood to restore the blood protein increased.

5. Ears at an early stage heart disease who have shown varying degrees of tinnitus, which is fine because the inner ear dynamic vascular abnormalities, the disease has not been caused by systemic reactions, in the inner ear has been threatened on the signal. If your earlobe appears a coherent folds, is very likely caused by coronary arteriosclerosis.

6. Head and neck if the supraclavicular extended to the direction of protruding ears a table tendons, such as little rough, I think it is right ventricular failure.

7. Often due to be pessimistic in a state of heart palpitations, shortness of breath, only蹲位was able to ease, this is the emotional heart of the unique performance.

<6>. Emphasis on chest and palpitation

Many elderly people for their lack of understanding of some symptoms and some emotional heart of the emergence of young patients with chest tightness, palpitation and other symptoms are not very great importance, often think nothing of a forbearance forbearance passed. It is precisely these ideas the best treatment time delay. A 40-year-old college and university leadership, the heart does not usually conscious, but seriously, the result of sudden death, and premature death of a great pity. If he is attending a timely manner, timely treatment, the results have made a difference.
Optimistic on the emotional heart disease is cured and mitigation or efficacy.
<7>. Diagnosis

To determine whether the emotional suffering from heart disease according to medical history, symptoms, signs and a number of special examinations to comprehensive judgments.
1. (1) history of the availability of virus infection, radiation exposure, medication history, history of diabetes, nutrition obstacles, environmental and genetic factors.
(2) common symptoms: pessimistic as a result of in a state of shortness of breath, bruising and crying, sports, such as to whether it is paroxysmal or persistent. Heart failure symptoms: heart rate faster (up to 180 times / min), shortness of breath (50 times / min -100 / min), irritability, difficulty in breathing and asthma-like episodes and come to a halt and so on.不愈recurrent or persistent upper respiratory tract infection, pale, crying low, groaning, hoarseness, but also prompted emotional possibility of heart disease.
2. Medical examinations such as the medical examination found that the typical organic heart murmur, phonocardiogram low blunt, heart increased, arrhythmia, liver large should further examine the emotional exclude congenital heart disease.
3. Special inspection
(1) X-ray examination: lung markings can increase or decrease the heart increases. However, normal lung markings, the size of a normal heart and emotions can not be ruled out congenital heart disease.
(2) ultrasound examination: the chamber of the heart and blood vessel size of quantitative determination for the diagnosis of cardiac anatomical abnormalities and the severity of the most commonly used is the emotional heart disease diagnosis methods.
(3) ECG: can reflect the location of the heart, atrial and ventricular hypertrophy and cardiac conduction availability system.
(4) cardiac catheterization: is a congenital heart disease diagnosis and decided to further clarify the importance of pre-operative examination methods. Through catheterization, understand the heart cavity and large blood vessels in different parts of the oxygen content and pressure changes, clear whether the diversion and triage site.
(5) angiocardiography: through catheterization is still not a clear diagnosis and need to consider surgical treatment of patients and can be used for angiocardiography. To iodine contrast agent through the cardiac catheterization in mechanical pressure, quickly injected into the heart or blood vessels, at the same time for fast X-ray film, or in shooting films is observed as shown in contrast agent atrial and ventricular and large vessels in the shape, size, location and whether or not abnormal channel or narrow, such as valve insufficiency.
(6) pigment dilution curve: various dyes (for example, Evans blue, blue, etc.), through the cardiac catheter into the different parts of the circulatory system, and then measured indicator in the artery or vein in the process of the formation of the concentration of dilution curve , according to this curve to determine the direction and location of shunt, and further to calculate cardiac output and pulmonary blood volume and so on. Based on the above medical history, physical examination and special examinations of the positive signs come to be a comprehensive analysis to determine to make it clear that emotional diagnosis of congenital heart disease.

<8>. Prevention

1. Although the emotional cause of heart disease is not yet very clear, but the mood in order to prevent the occurrence of heart disease, attention should be given reasonable to control their emotions and maintain a positive and optimistic about the upward, to maintain a good attitude is to prevent and cure heart disease emotions the best way.
2. Avoid contact with radiation and a number of harmful substances.
3. There is no medicine, such as drug use should be under the guidance of doctors medication, avoid taking an impact on the development of drugs.
4. The attention of a reasonable diet to avoid nutritional deficiencies.
5. The prevention of heart around the local mechanical oppression.
6. In short, for the prevention of emotional heart, it should avoid the incidence of all relevant factors.

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