Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Influenza and is closely related to a heart attack

January 2, 2001 U.S. Scientists found who have had influenza virus vaccine against heart disease patients, their second chance of a heart attack significantly reduced.

From the U.S. University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center researchers selected from 1997 to 1998 season, 218 cases of pandemic influenza patients with coronary heart disease as the research object, will be one of those heart attack or unstable angina with the vaccination history and stable condition vaccination history of the comparison, results showed that influenza vaccination and not the heart disease compared to those against the recurrence of heart disease or unstable angina to reduce the incidence of 2 / 3.

The researchers pointed out that at present still unable to determine whether influenza virus infection in a heart attack with the inevitable link between. Because it can not be ruled out the role of other factors, such as who will pay more attention to vaccination, such as self-care.

The researchers cited only nine kinds of reasons that may be relevant, including influenza caused by accelerated vascular inflammation in coronary lipid deposition, physical decline heavier psychological burden.

But the researchers emphasized that in animal experiments, has confirmed that influenza viruses can change over a high-density lipoprotein activity, resulting in the formation of coronary plaque.

Middle-aged children longevity period a lower risk of heart disease

Past research has shown that offspring of centenarians and the average life expectancy of our compatriots is usually longer, but also heart disease, high blood pressure and a lower risk of diabetes, age at onset of late. Recently by the Boston University Faculty of Medicine released a study pointed out that the parents in the life of the individual over the age of 85 middle-aged when the risk of heart disease is distinctly lower. Researchers from the Framingham Heart Study, a selected 1697 people, ask them into the group of parents who selected Framingham study, life expectancy at 85 years of age or in January 2005 before the death. From 1971 to 1975, all income groups are in the age of 30 years of age (average age was 40 years old). Among them, the parents are in life expectancy over the age of 85 accounted for 11% (Group 1); parents in the life of one person over the age of 85 accounted for 47% (Group 2); their parents were dead before the age of 85 accounted for 42% (Group 3 ). In addition to record level of education and smoking habits, but also detected in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, body mass index and Framingham risk scores (mainly used to evaluate the occurrence of cardiovascular disease risk) and so on. To 1983 ~ 1989, a total of 1319 people received a second assessment. The results showed that, Framingham scored the worst in the Group 3, Group 1 the best. Group 1 has the ideal blood pressure and total cholesterol / HDL ratio, Framingham risk scores in patients with the highest proportion of the lowest. The relevance of body mass index is not clear, but the group 1 in at least obese. The researchers pointed out that the shorter life expectancy of their parents, compared to middle-aged parents longevity when a lower risk of heart disease. The main reason leading to this phenomenon may be related with the gene to better understand and master the genetic modification of cardiovascular risk factors will ultimately contribute to disease prevention and treatment.

Often hostile to men prone to heart disease

Often hostile to or in frustration, and will damage the immune system of men and their susceptibility to heart disease. This will increase the number of negative emotions for men suffering from type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure risk.
Angry men prone body complement C3 were increased, it is a chronic inflammation-related protein in the immune system.

Hostility, depression, anger, will make other people in a different manner

World, they are usually in the world confrontation. "Research collaborator Edward middot; Suarez said," This way of life often lead to greater pressure, and cause changes in bodily functions and lead to disease. "The level of serum C3 increase will lead to a number of chronic diseases, such as heart disease or diabetes.

Those in the psychological tests showed high levels of hostility, symptoms of depression or anger of men, the psychological test scores higher level of serum C3 also high.

Heart disease experts have pointed out that, although the study did not deal with psychological treatment, but to find ways to reduce the hostility, by no means a bad thing!

Drink immediately wash easily cause heart disease

Why say a bath immediately after drinking it easy to cause heart disease? This is because:

Take a bath when the body to sweat, blood alcohol concentration is relatively higher, coupled with the hot water to promote blood circulation, the expansion of blood vessels, speed up the pulse beat, which is often caused by decreased blood pressure, blood viscosity increased, causing a heart attack or stroke.

Long-term increase in cholesterol-induced heart pressure

Grateful to alleviate depression

Whether it is a partner for life or the work or achievements, and some people even feel like as long as they are alive Ping'an their life for what is eternally grateful, this feeling can guarantee the normal functioning of the body and to promote the immune system, and body systems working correctly. United States Institute of哈特麦斯Rowling middot;麦克拉提studied the emotional health and physical health of the relationship between, she found a similar love, gratitude and to meet such a sentiment, it will stimulate the posterior lobe of the pituitary hormone secretion, It will relax the nervous system, alleviate depression, the body of the oxygen content of the various organizations will also increase significantly, as has been the same rehabilitation treatment. Electrocardiogram showed that in gratitude, the brain and heart are synchronized current activities, so that the relevant organs of the operation more effective.

Easy to feel tired a long-term pressure

A row at work, under the pressure of life, there will be chronic suppression of the phenomenon. Stanford University biological sciences professor Robert middot; pressure Sapolsky is an expert, which he described as: "the human body of long-term high cortisol levels of the defense system will make you no longer sensitive, memory and accuracy have declined, warning of the invasion were no longer sensitive, easier to feel tired, depressed people will become frustrated, reproductive ability. "If all the year round in the chronic suppression, the blood glucose and fatty acids are increased risk of diabetes and heart disease risk of natural will be larger. University of London, the latest research also shows that the pressure will make the human body increased cholesterol levels, also induced cardiovascular disease.

Laugh to relax the body's muscle tension

California State University scientists found that laugh will relax the body's muscle tension, reducing stress-induced hormone secretion and increase the oxygen content in the blood. University of Maryland Medical Center cardiovascular experts also confirmed that the laughter of people can unload unwanted pressure, protect blood vessel wall, thus reducing the risk of a heart attack. When people laugh, there is a need to mobilize the body more than 4 100 muscles, which can effectively heat consumption. The researchers estimate that laughing 100 times the equivalent of rowing for 10 minutes and 15 minutes cycling step aerobic exercise.

Anger, impatience, irritability, resentment damage to health

When people angry, it is difficult to say how effective the system anger is vent your anger, or try to suppress the anger, because it has adverse effects in two ways. Studies have shown that the authority figures will not be honored for their own things loudly, while the female spouse if the confrontation with their own repressed anger, which died of a heart attack, stroke or cancer risk is two times higher. Anger at the time of the outbreak only a few minutes, but because of a sudden and drastic increase adrenaline levels, high blood pressure, heart rate to accelerate to more than 50-year-old people, a heart attack or stroke will be higher than 5 times odds.

In addition some of the anger was not obvious symptoms such as impatience, irritability, resentment, etc., will also damage your health, because they state with anxiety, depression, and will inhibit the immune system in the state and more easily transmitted diseases. When people are depressed, pessimistic and indifferent state, the body's serotonin and dopamine are low, and these two substances in the brain feel good neurotransmitters, which is why 45 percent of patients have a tendency to be depressed all sorts of reasons for pain discomfort. Depression with poor sleep, fatigue and sexual dysfunction related.

Emotional release而哭bad mood

When you cry, when indeed the release of the body's bad mood. U.S. biochemist William middot;弗利博士will而哭emotion and tears onion negative熏得done a comparison and found that when estrogen secretion而哭more hormones and neurotransmitters, may lead to low blood pressure, pulse slow sync and other brain wave patterns, therefore concluded that estrogen而哭help suppress the body to remove the chemical composition, if always忍住不哭, then people will unnecessary tension in the body more vulnerable to anxiety such as the impact of negative emotions, including weakened immunity, memory deterioration and weaker such as the ability to digest.

The United States to use the microwave to treat heart disease.

According to overseas media reports, the United States St. Luke's Medical Center, doctors have recently succeeded in a 76-year-old Audrey old woman suffering from atrial fibrillation in the heart of the purposes of microwave surgery. This is the first application of this new method to treat heart disease.

Microwave surgery is used microwave equipment issued to the beating heart of microwave radiation on the heart muscle caused by a wound, so that the heart stops tremor. To do this kind of surgery, the patients do not have to temporarily stop the heart beating, do not have to connect the blood circulation in heart-lung machine for the cycle, it can reduce the risk of surgery.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved in early June of this new therapy. The surgical instruments used in the microwave, the United States, California AFX manufactured.

Past the elimination of atrial fibrillation surgery is usually carried out by using electric shocks.

The treatment of hypertensive heart disease

For patients who have high blood pressure, treatment should be given to control blood pressure in the normal range. Because of the high and low blood pressure varies from person to person, so to learn more about their song best suited to high blood pressure, may consult their doctors. In addition, at least every two weeks blood pressure more than once, as many blood pressure, according to the level of regulation of blood pressure drug.
Cardiac hypertrophy and heart arrhythmia are hypertension
The first step in heart disease. Such as high blood pressure patients, minor activities are palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain should be immediately accepted the doctor's diagnosis and treatment. High blood pressure and heart disease is not the time to completely cure the disease, so treatment must have the intention of a lifetime. In addition to blood pressure checks, there is a need for electrocardiograms, chest X-ray photos, such as urine routine examination.
In addition to blood pressure lowering drugs, the need for less intake of salt, cardiac dysfunction may be given diuretics and cardiotonic.

The treatment of acute myocardial infarction

If severe angina attack, should be immediately accepted the doctor's diagnosis and treatment. Such as suspected heart attack, we have bed rest, it is necessary to change the posture, the need to help others. Given oxygen. If the attack in the hospital, before the arrival of the doctors must be someone in the next observation, attention to the rapid changes in the disease, especially in unconscious patients to listen to heart sounds and feel the pulse, cardiac arrest to the scene to conduct an immediate cardiac massage and artificial respiration, given to patient comfort Posture.

The first day of fasting, and the second in three days to give a little liquid diet (rice soup, milk-type), after about a week before eating ordinary food. If the disease goes well, about 2-3 weeks to practice activities in bed, fully restored to the daily life of 2-3 months, and sometimes even need half a year.

In the incidence of a few days, due to the high mortality rate, so it is necessary to live a continuous ECG into the intensive care unit (CCU), to carry out strict monitoring and treatment, the ward in addition to special equipment, there are well-trained physicians and nurses . According to ECG and blood pressure changes. Immediate effectiveness of the treatment there for a higher mortality rate through the first few days. Room in the disease can be effective in treatment of severe arrhythmia and DC defibrillators and artificial pacemaker.

Incidence of a few weeks, infarct has not completely disappeared, and should be given to coronary angiography, if we find that thrombosis should immediately direct coronary injection of thrombolytic agents, but also the success of cases. This requires that the patient was admitted to have good technology and equipment of the hospital.

Machinery and equipment due to the large number of patients it is necessary to connect wires, but also the patients absolute quiet bed rest, and sometimes it actually resulted in patient anxiety, physical pain everywhere, but in the quiet, as far as possible the special wards (CCU) for treatment is very important The. Because it reduces the mortality rate by one third, so that rehabilitation and return to the lives of more people, it makes patient comfort of our patients.

Recently, it was suggested that the relatively early stage of training for active physical activity may be in the Second, in March after the restoration of the original life. Functional recovery through therapy, about 70 ~ 80% of patients can revert to the original life. Of course, not to say, it may still continue to engage in intense labor and work without restrictions.

Incidence of one or two months, can度过危险期Ping'an, but still left the heart of avascular necrosis of the district, therefore not be taken lightly. By the doctors to decide you can afford the volume of work. For heart failure and arrhythmias, it is necessary to continue taking diuretics, cardiac drugs and anti-arrhythmic drugs. In the treatment of angina same time, we must guard against the recurrence of myocardial infarction.

New breakthroughs in the treatment of heart disease

Recently, the Singapore Medical researchers claim that they have been successful in human bone marrow cells into myocardial cells, the technology in the field of heart disease treatment breakthrough means that tens of millions of heart disease in addition to heart transplantation, the will be able to have a new choice.
To participate in the study of cardiac and thoracic surgeon莱达厄尔奥克雷
, Said: "Our studies have shown that bone marrow cells can survive in the heart. In fact, we can bone marrow into cardiomyocytes, so that recovery of myocardial damage."
奥克雷and two other hospitals in the National University of Singapore researchers together on human bone marrow stem cells (with the formation of the new organization's ability) to conduct genetic modification, and to give them with the characteristics of human heart cells. Last year, they will of these genetically modified cells implanted in mice in vivo. Dr.奥克雷hope that within one year of clinical study of patients with heart disease to start.
奥克雷that myocardial cells between the exchange of a very complicated system, which, once damaged, such as a heart attack, it will lose its function of myocardial cells become useless scar tissue. Therefore no longer be able to shrink the heart beating, losing its "pump" role, which is ultimately a lot of patients with heart failure without the real reason for governance.
The world in 1995 due to heart disease deaths to 15 million, accounting for the total global death toll of 30%. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that by 2020, this proportion will rise to 40%.
At present, for the treatment of heart disease include: long-term drug therapy, temporary equipment intervention therapy (artificial heart, in vitro blood pump, etc.), and heart transplantation. Heart transplant the main problems is the lack of suitable organ donors.奥克雷said Dr.
In the 10 who are in need of heart transplant patients, can find a suitable organ donation is less than 1 person.
In Paris and Los Angeles completed the other two clinical trials, researchers succeeded in skeletal muscle cells into patients with heart meat inside, used to help repair damaged myocardium. But奥克雷that skeletal muscle cells, it is very difficult jerky sampling, and must be cultured in the laboratory a few days before they can implant the heart. In contrast, more abundant source of bone marrow cells. For example, when surgeons carrying out heart bypass surgery in patients with open chest, the ribs in the bone marrow can be collected ,4-6 hours can be converted into myocardial cells, and then injected into the heart, the surgery ended.

Heart disease can have children of female infants

Want to have children after marriage, which for most people is not a problem, heart disease patients may not be the same.
Recently, this reporter learned from the hospital, a mother suffering from congenital heart disease in children not yet born when the burden is too heavy because of the heart caused by suffocation, with the unborn baby to leave quietly. The news was informed that people in the infinite regret, but also can not help asking: Can women have heart disease successfully Health healthy baby? They originally weak heart can stand the test of ten months of nurturing life?
● pregnant women have heart disease before the heart function to do an evaluation
"Pregnancy and childbirth for pregnant women in terms of heart disease, it is a severe test." Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine First Affiliated Hospital of Gynecology and Obstetrics chief physician Li Jing Chi said that although the development of medical technology so that more women have heart disease yen a mother's dream, but the heart is still one of the main causes of maternal mortality.
It can be said that to ensure that pregnant women suffering from heart disease after pregnancy and a smooth production process, I am pregnant women, their families and the obstetrician is concerned, is a challenge. "But this does not mean that all women have heart disease can not be a mother." Zhengzhou City First People's Hospital medical director of heart doctors余宏伟said whether pregnant patients with heart disease from the heart of the health status of the decision.
He said that pregnant women, cardiovascular physiological changes often result in additional burden on the heart, In addition, the throes of the production process, hard, physical consumption, it will increase the heart load, if the heart of the original on the poor, often occur at this time cardiac overload phenomenon is likely to endanger the lives of mothers and fetuses. "Therefore, before pregnancy should be prescribed by doctors in patients with heart function of a comprehensive assessment and then decide whether the pregnancy."
● assessment of cardiac function determine whether pregnancy
"Assessment of cardiac function is not complicated, through the diagnosis and color Doppler ultrasound to check on it can be concluded."余宏伟said that regular use of "New York Heart Association," the standard classification of cardiac function:
First class: There is no heart disease symptoms, physical activity unrestricted, ordinary physical activity without causing discomfort; second level: a little physical activity is restricted and there is no discomfort at rest, but ordinary physical activity carried out that there will be fatigue, palpitation, angina and symptoms such as difficulty in breathing; third level: physical activity is restricted and there is no discomfort at rest, but after minor physical activity have fatigue, palpitation, angina and symptoms such as difficulty in breathing; the fourth level: Any activities would not apply, even if the rest still have symptoms of heart disease, any physical activity have exacerbated the symptoms. "Heart function classification is to decide whether women can be an important factor in the successful delivery, under normal circumstances, cardiac function and most of the first-class second-class pregnant women be able to smooth production; and third-class cardiac function due to heart disease in pregnant women 1 / 3 of people will occur during pregnancy decompensated heart failure, insufficient, so the best long-term bed rest in the hospital; heart function fourth grade is best not to pregnant women, if you have to conceive, they are advised to consider the early termination of pregnancy. "Yu magnificent said.
● mid-pregnancy heart burden
Heart function based on the status of the results of the assessment can be a heart attack pregnant women can breathe a sigh of relief a little, but not sit back and relax, and she and her baby in the ten months to go through challenges in order to Ping'an mother. "Pregnant women suffering from heart disease in mid-pregnancy, the heart of a heavy financial burden, and through this period, we will be reduced, therefore we must pay great attention in the second trimester unexpected, pregnant women and their families during this period should be extremely careful. "余宏伟said.
● women suffering from heart disease as soon as pregnancy, from early pregnancy prenatal care should be strengthened
Usually the best rest to ensure adequate sleep, they can do simple household chores and take a walk, do not do heavy work or strenuous exercise; heart pregnant women, the weak immune system, it is easy to get the common cold, flu, diarrhea and other infectious diseases, they must be doing a good job of prevention .
In the diet not only to ensure that nutrition also need to avoid high-calorie, high-salt food, because of overweight and excessive accumulation of body water will result in excessive burden on the heart.
If the pregnant women in the minor activities have chest tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath, lying in the evening when they feel chest tightness, the need for breathing or to the window坐起only feel comfortable breathing, which expressed the precursor of heart failure, the need for a timely manner to the hospital treatment. When necessary, at any time ECG, and in pre-production before the 2 to 3 weeks should be patient to wait.

Hemodialysis electrocardiogram changes contribute to the prediction and diagnosis of heart disease

Abstract: The monitoring of hemodialysis patients with ECG changes in the diagnosis and prediction of long-term hemodialysis were coronary heart disease in a safe and effective means. (Am J Kidney Dis 2000; 36:592-599.)

WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Medical News) in September, according to the American Journal of Nephrology reported that the monitoring of ECG changes in hemodialysis is to diagnose and predict long-term hemodialysis were coronary heart disease in a safe and effective means.

Osaka, Japan, National Cardiovascular Center (the National Cardiovascular Center) of Dr. Satoko Nakamura and his colleagues on the 61 cases of hospitalization due to cardiac symptoms of long-term hemodialysis were implemented ECG. Male 50, female 11, average age 61 years old, their average follow-up of 21 months.

The researchers observed 18 patients (positive-ST group) exists in ECG ST segment depression, in another 43 patients were not found (negative-ST group). They also found that "ST-segment depression in hemodialysis in patients with coronary artery disease and coronary heart disease is different."

100% positive-ST patients and 40% of negative-ST patients with coronary heart disease. In the 21 months of follow-up, all positive-ST patients had had a heart attack, in the negative-ST group, 21 were occurred. Investigators report, the positive-ST group after a heart attack survival significantly worse than the negative group.

The author points out that by the hemodialysis-induced ST-segment depression in predicting cardiac events, independent of other factors such as age, past history of myocardial infarction and other factors.

Finally, Nadamura Dr. Working Group concluded: "ST-segment depression in hemodialysis to be effective in the diagnosis of symptomatic patients with coronary heart disease, and is considered one of the events of the next issue as an important predictor."

Heart disease patients and sex life

Philip cardiologist middot; Lane Sudrajat said: "Many people who have heart disease is likely to continue with their sex lives, but we should first look at what kind of heart disease, followed by what kind of sex life." From the Human Physiology's point of view, normal sex life ****** reached, the systolic and diastolic blood pressure have increased heart rate to accelerate, people with a heart can be induced hazards. But **** accident death is an isolated, only O.7%. What kind of heart attack patients do not experience their sexuality? In general, myocardial infarction after 3 to 6 months should avoid sex life, six months later the situation can be recovered, the gradual return of sex life. Had a history of angina pectoris patients, according to the disease by the doctors to decide whether there will be a ****。 Congestive heart failure in the state, should be the absolute prohibition of sex life. Heart disease usually have one of the following situations, and sexual life should be suspended:

① **** feel palpitations, heart rate significantly accelerated, shortness of breath and even heart failure persons;
② **** **** process or feel chest pain;
③ **** the next day after the insomnia or extreme fatigue persons;
④ accompanied by fever or other infectious diseases were acute.

Treatment of many experts believe that as a result of heart disease patients have varying degrees of myocardial injury, the best treatment in the first stage went smoothly when the sex life. As long as patients go quickly when the heart can not feel sick ****, but for safety reasons, from myocardial infarction attack that day, preferably from 8 to 10 weeks, not sex. Myocardial infarction Notes sex life is:

1. Sex life, we should avoid reckless and excessive extension of time, the appropriate step-by-step slow, attention to the selection of couples are more suitable for the body to relax.
2. Should be avoided in full immediately after drinking three square meals a ****。
3. If **** when chest pain, chest紧束flu or difficulty in breathing, the patient should slow down or terminate ****。
4. The patient's partner should pay attention to understand the patient's physical condition, emotional feelings and changes, it should be in a comfortable, free, pleasant atmosphere to complete sexual activity.
5. If necessary, in the **** 3O minutes before taking to prevent the occurrence of angina drug.

Mild heart attack and sexual life

According to a research group, the majority of cases, with mild cardiovascular disease mdash; such as high blood pressure in stable condition, with relatively minor heart-related chest pain or a heart attack over the past there had been no complications mdash; the male or female mdash; can be safely carried out sex life, and in a doctor's permission to carry out sexual dysfunction treatment.

However, there is an "important exception", that is, are taking nitrate drugs to treat heart disease patients with the exception of. These people absolutely can not take Viagra to treat sexual dysfunction. This is a public group at Princeton (the Princeton Consensus Panel) recommendations. Princeton media group at Princeton University in New Jersey held a meeting to discuss it. General Assembly discussions on sexual life and heart disease published in the latest guide to July 15 of "American Heart Journal" on.

The report noted that "In the past, the view was expressed that can climb the stairs two floors of the patients can be their sex life and would not lead to heart attack." However, the authors stressed that the cost of life is not necessarily the same as physical and sexual life there are some stairs and peacetime by different physiological and mental factors.

A good news is the majority of heart attack patients are less dangerous. This includes the manual no symptoms, so that high blood pressure medication has been under control, as well as the manual was only a slight cramps (with heart-related chest pain) patients. Successful treatment of some heart disease (such as the use of angioplasty) patients, or the past had had a heart attack patients without complications, but also less dangerous category. The report pointed out that after examination by doctors, with lower-risk men and women can safely begin or continue their sex life, or the acceptance of sexual dysfunction treatment. Every six months to see a doctor, to determine whether the patient is dangerous or less category.

However, those that pose a higher risk patients mdash; include high blood pressure has not yet been brought under control, or within the past six weeks have had a heart attack patients mdash; to wait until conditions stabilize in order to continue their sex life.

"In the commencement or continuation of life or sexual dysfunction before treatment, these high-risk patients should be carried out special treatment in order to stabilize the disease." The team concluded that under. And in the next six months follow-up must be carried out to determine whether they also have the risk.

How do you see a woman with heart startle

If you have a close female startle people with heart, how would you treat her?

You may wish to heart as a patient to treat.

Heart disease is necessary to support, and do not hurt it, and do not affect its functions, to extend its life.

七情六欲(anger) the impact of the heart is very large, so do not participate in stimulating activities, in addition to maintaining a calm mood outside. Should calm the nerves aizoon blood. You may wish to practice qigong, implying that he has always been psychologically keep quiet.

Sleep apnea, a dangerous killer heart disease

Start off the large, March 28 (Reuters Medical News) Mayo Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota, hypertension and heart disease, Professor Dr. Virend Somers Wednesday at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) convened the meeting to report on Psychosomatic Medicine, sleep apnea may be Heart disease, hypertension and other cardiac disorders important reasons.

Sleep apnea usually snore very frequent apnea, and then a long-winded and panting, and often do not fully awaken. This apnea will put pressure on the cardiovascular system, resulting in elevated blood pressure.

For congestive heart failure and hypertension patients, doctors should pay attention to the existence of the problem of sleep disorders, especially in patients with poor response to standard treatment when. Unfortunately, the research and treatment of such diseases, doctors neglect of patients during sleep changes.

With sleep apnea do not compare the crowd, they found that normal blood pressure and sleep apnea patients in 4 years is more prone to high blood pressure, which suggests sleep apnea may lead to chronic hypertension.

With age, gender, body mass index (BMI) compared to the same normal, not accompanied by other diseases sleep apnea patients during sleep and awake more active sympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic nervous system to control some of the unconscious body functions such as heart rate, blood vessel contraction and so on.

Normal during sleep sympathetic excitatory decline, blood pressure dropped. The apnea patients stop breathing when the blood pressure drop, higher concentrations of carbon dioxide, caused by the sympathetic nervous system excitement. At this time to increase cardiac output, blood pressure has risen sharply disrupted the body's sympathetic and blood pressure normal adjustment.

The researchers also noted that apnea patients, blood pressure changes in heart rate greater than the rate changes. These two changes indicates that the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. Their endothelin (the body produce a substance-induced vasoconstriction) levels are higher.

The researchers believe that many patients with sleep apnea can be a continuous positive airway pressure treatment equipment. This equipment can produce an airflow through the mask into the nasal cavity. The treatment of sleep disorders standard therapy can help patients maintain the airway during sleep is usually to reduce the occurrence of apnea.

For the heart to open a new "journey"

Can pregnant women, heart disease, depending on the cardiac function and the nature of the disease. If the heart changed lighter, capable of performing daily activities or Light workers, pregnancy and childbirth in heart failure occurs when fewer opportunities. No other complications and cyanosis, the age of 35 women in the obstetrics and heart physicians to allow regular inspection of pregnancy. For heart disease for women, the sick heart can bear the burden of pregnancy in this task? After childbirth, which contraceptive measures more appropriate for them? In this regard, heart patients and their families are very concerned about this.

After pregnancy (particularly late pregnancy), as a result of fetal development, the expansion of the uterus, maternal and child of oxygen and blood supply to demand increased, the body of sodium water retention, so that the increased frequency of heart rate, cardiac workload increased, becoming myocardial hypertrophy; during childbirth uterine contraction, abdominal pressure increased, around the circle of resistance increase in hypertension lungs, heart, blood returning to the increase in the burden on the heart also increased significantly; childbirth after 1 ~ 2 days, systemic circulation of blood volume will increase short-term. Therefore, whether it is pregnancy or childbirth, would increase the burden on the heart, and promote the occurrence of heart failure.

Can pregnant women, heart disease, depending on the cardiac function and the nature of the disease. If the heart changed lighter, capable of performing daily activities or Light workers, pregnancy and childbirth in heart failure occurs when fewer opportunities. No other complications and cyanosis, the age of 35 women in the obstetrics and heart physicians to allow regular inspection of pregnancy. If a serious change of heart disease, minor work on the emergence of palpitation, dyspnea, it should not be pregnant. The occurrence of heart failure and cardiac function is closely related to a cardiac function of pregnant women, heart failure incidence rate of 7 percent; two for 17 percent; 47 percent for the three. Heart failure will not only bring disaster to the mother, but also affect the fetus. 3 cardiac function, the fetal mortality rate of 12%, 31% up to 4 hours. If pregnant women suffering from congenital heart disease associated with cyanosis, fetal abortion, premature delivery or stillbirth is greater possibility. Congenital heart disease there is genetic predisposition. If a parent suffering from congenital heart disease, infant congenital heart disease incidence is 2%, which is 6 times the general population. In addition, serious congenital heart disease associated with cyanosis, rheumatic heart disease with severe mitral stenosis, severe arrhythmias, subacute bacterial endocarditis, and had a history of heart failure who are not pregnant. Even if the pregnancy termination of pregnancy should also be.

Heart disease of pregnancy should not be soon as she becomes pregnant, it should be in the 3 months to have an abortion. If more than three months of pregnancy, there is a certain risk of induction of labor. At this point, physicians should be the heart and obstetricians common consultation, heart medicine and obstetrics under close follow-up of induction of labor. If pregnant women have heart failure, heart failure must be controlled before induction.

Pregnancy should be regularly checked. Data suggest that without prenatal care for pregnant women of heart disease than those who had prenatal care, heart failure incidence and mortality rate to 10 times or even several times higher. The general idea five months before pregnancy, every two weeks check once a week, three months after the first investigation. Cyanotic congenital heart disease and those with poor cardiac function should be in pre-production was hospitalized two weeks ago, so careful observation, inspection, found the problem to tackle them promptly.

Post-natal breast-feeding in general have little effect on the heart. Cardiac function 2 below, can be self-breast-feeding. Heart function three persons, in order to avoid over exertion to the use of artificial feeding for the good.

After childbirth involves a contraceptive. At present, many methods of contraception, but more reliable can be summed up in only two kinds of drugs and tools. For heart attack people, what kind of contraceptive methods is good?

Whether oral contraceptive drugs or injections are not suitable for heart disease. Because contraceptives containing estrogen; estrogen excess water would sodium retention, so that blood volume increases, adding to the burden of heart. Contraceptives can increase the viscosity of the blood, causing thrombosis, people with a heart severely disadvantaged.

Intrauterine IUD put Although simple, safe, but after all, is a foreign body. If post-operative infection, it may cause acute or subacute bacterial endocarditis. If endocardial inflammatory substances become detached emboli, also cause life-threatening. You can use contraceptives, condoms and **** can choose a kind of divide. If the tie in with the external use of contraceptives paste, can increase the effect.

"Bar-tube" is a way to reduce the trouble of contraception and safe and reliable, does not affect the harmony of married life of reliable and efficient method. Husband "bar-pipe" more desirable. However, after ligation should insist on contraception tool for a period of time until the **** in sperm did not see when. Rhythm, extended breast-feeding, in vitro methods such as scheduling precision, the result is not reliable contraception should not be used.

As long as the attention of the heart function, heart medicine and listen to the views of obstetricians, even if the risk of heart disease, the same can also enjoy their grandchildren.

Talk of a heart attack 18 (of water and calcium)

Calcium is the most important of the human body and is also the largest concentration of mineral elements in the body about 1 kg, of which 99% in the bones and teeth; 1 percent scattered in other organizations. Human serum protein binding is 50% calcium, 10 percent of non-ionized calcium; 40% of calcium ion in the human body to run almost all of the role of calcium ions. Because only the ionized calcium can really play a normal physiological role of the PN values of blood remained at between 7.35 ~ 7.45. If the increase in calcium, cells will become very lively, on the contrary will be the aging cell damage, resulting in premature aging people. Calcium is also on the enzyme activation, nerve conduction, muscle contraction has played an extremely important role.
When blood calcium ions, the physical mechanism should be transferred from the bone in the body of calcium supplement, so the elderly should pay special attention to calcium, have to pay a premium account, otherwise will lead to osteoporosis, high incidence of fractures at the same time, enter plasma calcium in the blood vessel wall will积滞, artery wall, and it suffered damage, such cholesterol and other lipid infiltration on the vulnerable and accelerate atherosclerosis, so that the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular rise.

Distribution of magnesium and potassium in the cells, the distribution of calcium and sodium in cells in the extracellular fluid.

Enable the heart of the expansion of potassium, calcium ions enable the heart to contract, both to maintain the normal heart throb. At the same time, two kinds of ions in cells, the total balance of inside and outside the state, plays a synergistic effect. When both the internal and external balances, the cells maintain the vitality of the activity, but if calcium reduction (that is, when the body calcium), cells of the magnesium ions will penetrate into cells, to speed up the aging of cells and human aging.

Magnesium ions is a direct vasodilator, and thus the lack of magnesium can increase vascular tone, high incidence of hypertension; magnesium may also be caused by the lack of a variety of cardiac rhythm disorders; magnesium deficiency and coronary artery spasm and variant angina relevant.

Therefore, the added calcium, magnesium, to keep it relatively balanced against aging, disease prevention and treatment is essential, and to add calcium and magnesium from the water must be added to proceed to consider, in accordance with the test data show that electrolytic reduction of water containing ionic state calcium (Ca2 +), magnesium (Mg2 +) and so on, and non-relative defect, it is very lively, conducive to the human body to absorb.

In ancient times, the body most in need of the original ecology of water, thus the evolution of mankind will come in accordance with the evolution of this need. However, under the existing environment, in the city have been very difficult to find the original ecology of water, now is the best way to find this from a medical point of view on the human body best suited to restore the electrolysis of water, from a scientific point of view of this water is progress of the water, is the body most in need of water, if people have taken note of the drink problem, we will be able to disease and aging were pushed back for many years.

Talk of a heart attack 17 (water and intestinal)

Intestinal actually enter the body of water after a formal processing, transformation of the factory, if we say that the human body is a by numerous cells and numerous group of micro-organisms, then, water is the operation of the Group of lubricants. We know: There are many types of micro-organisms, but also because of the different types of the human body has different effects, these microorganisms are beneficial to humans, but also harmful. Useful on behalf of such as lactic acid bacteria; representatives harmful bacteria and Staphylococcus WELCH'S; intermediate is Proteobacteria. Most of the body's micro-organisms exist in the lower half of the small intestine and large intestine.
Intestinal function of the body's huge supply of human life is the need for the total supply center, the present study shows in addition to the completion of intestinal synthesis of various vitamins, enzymes, synthetic protein outside; also produce hormones, lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar several lipid metabolism , regulation of blood pressure, prevention of dental caries and protect the body's immune function, especially the protection of immune function in a very complex issue, because of intestinal fermentation to produce five kinds of terrible toxins: namely, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, nitroso amines, benzene such as phenol and indole. These toxins, if elected, intestine caused by abnormal fermentation can smell the result in the generation of reactive oxygen species, the reactive oxygen species will be oxidized in our cells, genes, become the cause of the disease. This is the release of neutrophil leukocytes to attack bacteria, viruses and chemical substances invasion of reactive oxygen species are different, which is useful, is the oxidation of intruders Jiedu sterilization, while the former is caused by an increase in blood free radicals, so that the decline in human vitality original fierce.

These micro-organisms are double-edged sword, when human health, the intestinal microbial useful than harmful micro-organisms, and when the human body or eating problems after eating unclean, it is a considerable number of micro-organisms in turn have negative effects to the human body with to disadvantage.

The water in the intestinal role in the work of the largest, which, as the car, like lubricants, in the absence of lubricants, the engine will be locked to stop working, and the water in the human body than the role of lubricants in the car even more significant role, lubricating oil in the car just the engine lubrication, automotive wheels and other places should be another refueling lubrication, and the water in the body's lubrication and lubricants in the car does not like water in the body's Lubrication is all it is run through each part of the body, as well as hand, foot and finger visceral components of each. If you use a car lubricants poor life expectancy will be wear and tear parts to speed up the wear and tear; and water in the body, but also, if the poor quality of drinking acidic water, they will wear and tear parts organs function, so that premature aging, on the contrary, if drinking water, they would moisten parts organs, the body is like a rejuvenated vitality.

In general, people over the age of 50 after the loss due to larger organs, water loss and are more constipation phenomenon. This phenomenon can only be resolved through supplementary water and get better, but generally tap water and filtered water is very difficult to supplement it, because this time the cells are mostly due to long-term acidification of "refusal" phenomenon, which like the physics of electronic phenomenon Like same-sex repulsion. Potential value from the point of view, Japan's Mitsuoka Professor Contentment records: Stomach is +150 mV, duodenum, jejunum is-50mV, ileum is-150mV, the colon is-200mV, while the rectum is-250mV. Redox potential value of +150 mV from the stomach started to decline, and finally into the rectum-250mV, which is the body's natural law. The human digestive tract, the "good water" redox potential is-250mV.

Ordinary tap water, oxidation-reduction potential is +450 ~ +650 mV, bottled water, bottled water or natural water, natural water, such as water oxidation-reduction potential in between +200 ~ +400 mV. Potential value of these higher after water intake after a period of time, due to intestinal microbial redox reactions complicated process so that a gradual decline in value to the large intestine when the value has fallen to around-150mV, at this time can be absorbed by the body. In other words, low redox potential of water is suitable for the human body. Therefore, if the body can not make the potential decline in water will not be able to absorb moisture. So, we need to pay is necessary to fill in order to fill water into the meeting after a long period of water shortage after the cells, constipation is also removed. Remove constipation associated with the phenomenon of considerable benefits that can gradually acidification alkaline cell to transformation, to gradually increase the intensity of the emission of free radicals, and gradually increase the cell viability, so that normal, healthy body to the type conversion. So that is a healthy intestinal first processing plant, water is the factory and factory and the world of communication lubricants.

Talk of a heart attack 16 (pros and cons of several manufacturers of water)

After the water was contaminated, there are many people to consider the artificial water problem. Based on these years of scientific and technological development, there are the following types of artificial water way:
1, barreled, bottled water

Bottled water issues on the article in front of already outlined, since 2002 China Central Television evening 315 barrels of water and exposed the disadvantages of pollution, people have a fear of, relatively speaking, only bottled water is relatively better, However, cohabitation was bottled water, especially bottled purified water, the state has been published that: the provisions in the middle and elementary schools do not allow time for students to drink pure water. Because the pure water is too pure, long-term consumption of the physical development of disadvantaged children, the status of the water itself is acidic water. Therefore, we should have to drink bottled water for drinking natural mineral water, because only natural mineral water to the nearest health released by the current water standards.

2, activated carbon filter

Activated carbon filters are more popular in recent years, for filtering the results of such a filter there are two: ⑴ this filter can only filter the larger particles in the water impurities and contaminants such as E. coli, for heavy metals and chlorine in the water filtration little; ⑵ Most activated carbon filters use more than a year after, no matter how much water flow on both reduce filtering. In this case re-use, water quality can not be guaranteed. Therefore the use of such filters filter must be replaced every year.

3, desalination of water filtration

Distillation or reverse osmosis plant could be to remove all substances in the water, but the produced water is softened, and does not contain any useful minerals in water desalination, in which soft water in the role of any harmful substances will be magnified, water desalination a small amount of harmful substances will be more than the same amount of hard water harmful substances harmful to our health is more and more negative role.

On the overall water studies have shown that healthy water is a home with a certain amount of hardness and TDS of water, while water is not a lack of calcium, magnesium, potassium and other beneficial trace minerals. This mineral composition of the water than in food ingredients more easily absorbed into the body. Research shows that: So far, only the depth of the water filtration function will they be so, that is, activated carbon filters on the basis of the depth filter is safe water.

In addition, according to the latest study of cancer cells in weak alkaline environment, the principle can not survive, human alkaline electrolyte drink of water is more beneficial to the extension of life.

Talk of a heart attack 15 (of chlorine in the water)

U.S. researchers have done a chicken a pilot is added to the chicken chlorinated drinking distilled water, after a few months, more than 95% of chickens have emerged arteriosclerosis. Even today, including my own, all countries, have yet to find an alternative chlorine disinfection substances and methods. U.S. biochemist Dr. Herbert Schwartz said: "Chlorine is too dangerous, it should be prohibited."
Chlorine is also linked with cancer do? Chlorine with natural organic matter, humus combination of a potential carcinogen Trihalomethanes. Trihalomethanes including issues such as chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, methylene chloride, such as carcinogens. U.S. National Environmental Protection Agency theoretically provides for the total amount of chlorine in drinking water limits, although the statutory maximum amount allowed is 100PPb, but tests showed that in 1976 are: 112 municipal water supply system in 31 more than the limit.

Overall, the United States since 1974 have been found in drinking water 97 kinds of carcinogens and suspected carcinogens found 82 kinds of mutagens and suspected mutagens, also found 28 kinds of acute and chronic toxic pollutants and 23 species-induced tumor material and so on.

Even today, the world continues to chlorine as a disinfectant for drinking water main, and the countries set national standards would not be enough to protect people immune. States municipal authorities have tried a variety of disinfectants to replace chlorine, but they replaced, such as chlorine dioxide, bromine chloride, chloramines, but also and as dangerous as chlorine.

The United States, said Dr. Richard Passwater "the causes of heart disease and cancer, the result of a similar." Chloride effect is that these two key factors in disease, these strong chemical pollutants can trigger the body we have too many free radicals, free radicals damage cells, too many free radicals can damage the original rules of arterial smooth muscle cells, Finally mutation. Mutation in the blood will continue after the formation of fibrous plaque, the final stop is the tumors to take root.

High blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, heart failure, as well as the plaque and so brought about by a series of problems, is indeed a series of chemical and biological barriers to reflect the final step. With regard to the people to reflect the harm, the experts pointed out that to go through 10 - 20 years, the human body obvious symptoms to appear, then, from the physiological aspects of view, to the ethnic origin of cancer have to go to 20 -- -30 years to surface. But in any case, human beings should be known circumstances is to take immediate measures to deal with.

In recent years, in Japan, then in the United States have begun to use aeration, activated carbon and other filtration, ultraviolet and ozone technology, the safety of chemical disinfectants as a substitute for, our country in the past two years, some companies have already developed the activated carbon a variety of filtering out a number of filters, but also developed the production of alkaline water electrolysis water generator for a class of machines over the past few years there have been some units and individuals used, but this part of the people still less the following main reasons: First, non-treated water do not know the seriousness of the consequences of the person; Second, do not know the information to deal with water; and third, do not have the financial ability of the people; there do not believe that this type of technology as well as the work of busy people who can not attend to take care of themselves and many other circumstances.

Talk of a heart attack 14 (water and cancer)

I said in my previous articles have said cancer is a blood disease, so here to continue to talk about the causes of cancer.
Statistics show there are 60% - 80% of cancer causes and the relationship between the water environment. In recent years, research data shows that: in the groundwater and surface water and tap water there are cancer-causing factors. Chlorination of drinking water will produce trihalomethanes. Put simply, directly or indirectly, chemical substances discharged into the water, the number is staggering. In the United States, in 1974 after the drinking water supply system has been detected in the organic and inorganic pollutants in more than 2100 kinds. In that 2100 kinds of pollutants, there are 190 kinds of pollutants was identified adverse health, carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenesis; some components or even directly is toxic, containing strong toxicity.

From another perspective, even the drinking water in line with the country's drinking water standards, we are also not convinced that out from the tap water contains not weaken our immune system or lead to cancer substances. There are also many potential cancer-causing ingredients often 20 - 30 years before they show up, along with each of us different metabolic functions, and therefore the response of cancer also vary, and many other reasons, therefore, the study exact figures are not get out, but from the experimental point of view of the arguments have more force in the.

Drinking water in a variety of cancer-causing factors such as the role of fluoride. However, the contents of these are carcinogenic, in order to overcome these factors, the study should be directed towards prevention of cancer. In recent years, the research focused on four areas: namely, TDS, hardness, PH and silica. U.S. scholars analyzed the 100 major cities in the United States drinking water, found that moderate drinking water content of TDS (about 300mg / L), is hard water, alkaline (PH> 7.0), and contains 15mg / L dioxide silicon, cancer deaths will be reduced by 10% - 25%. These scholars also found that the silica and cancer relevance, that is, the higher the silica content, the person with cancer less. There is a time when the water is hard water on the lower incidence of cancer. Thus drinking water contains high TDS and hardness will greatly reduce heart disease and cancer mortality. In addition a substantial amount of research data, to maintain the original ecological water beneficial trace elements, such as selenium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, silica and other useful elements; also remove lead, mercury, heavy metals like cadmium, at the same time PH value guaranteed to be greater than 7.35 - 9.0 weak alkaline water on the human body is the most useful. After studies have shown: such a good long-term drinking water, for cardio-cerebral vascular disease patients and extremely useful in patients with gout; of diabetes and other diseases of the patients have a great role in alleviating; of cancer patients life-prolonging effect .

Talk of a heart attack 13 (sodium and high blood pressure)

Many researchers now think that sodium and high blood pressure is directly related to reducing salt intake helps reduce blood pressure. Most people in Western countries a day intake of 8 - 25g salt, then triggered a number of cardio-and cerebro-vascular problems and hypertension. China advocated to control the salt intake in the 6 - 8g following, after all these years of research, many experts believe that: most people daily intake of 2 - 5g salt is not cause problems.
At present, we 90 percent of salt intake comes from food, from 10 percent in water and vegetables in the human body contains the necessary 10 percent of salt, meat and vegetables in the salt relative to slightly higher. American Heart Association (The American Hcart Association) and the World Health Organization (The World Health Organization) has recently proposed that the sodium content in drinking water recommended limit of 20mg / L. In the United States, 40 percent of the sodium content of drinking water for more than 20mg / L.

Recently, there have been new research that: chloride is to make high blood pressure a key factor, and the salt is sodium and chlorine compounds. In China, the current tap water depends mainly on chlorine disinfection to complete! (This chapter will be in the future细讲)

Now has the information has been fully able to confirm all of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases (including: high blood pressure, cancer, etc.) and the intake of salt are too many. If coupled with the potassium content of food consumption by a further, they would soon be pathogenic.

More salt water will soften the water, there is information that the drinking water and more calcium, magnesium, potassium water hardness easy cardio-cerebral-vascular health; the contrary, more than the water level of lead, mercury, nickel and other heavy metals are harmful to the body .

Sodium content in water is usually high, it will be high hardness TDS. The higher the hardness and TDS content can protect us from the potential hazards of harmful substances, but also conducive to reducing heart disease and cancer mortality. If we want to reduce sodium intake, it should be turning our food, because we have 90 percent of sodium intake comes from eating the food. Therefore, in the cooking time and in our staple food must be put under control in salt intake.

Talk of a heart attack 12 (the role of drinking)

In front with a lot of space to talk about the "food" the adjustment of therapeutic effect, in fact, "drink" is greater than the role of "food" the role, why do I say that? We take a look at the human body tissues and organs of the ratio of aquifer : blood water content of 83%; kidney for 81.7 percent; 79.2 percent for the heart; the lungs of 79%; spleen was 75.8%; muscle to 75.6%; gastrointestinal 74.5%; the skin for 72%; 68.3% for the liver; brain tissue is 74.8 percent water, and even the bones of 22% is water. Since such a large proportion of the body of water, then hit the water in the life of the role of water in the human body is as important as the proportion. If we as a body organ bad (such as the kidney), only to indulge in a large number of medicine and health products instead of improving the body of "water" quality, in other words, the human consumption or "bad water," the body will be filled with "bad water", which would damage the environment within the body's balance, then it will not cure the disease.
Can be seen from the water is up to the composition of the body, but also to digest food, send nutrients to the various organizations, the excretion of human waste, body fluids (such as blood and lymph) circulation, lubricating joints and various internal organs (to keep them moist, making the material through cells and blood vessels), as well as necessary to regulate body temperature. Water containing dissolved minerals in the blood system, as if it were dissolved, as the calcium and magnesium, as required to maintain a healthy human tissue.
I am here to see large amounts of data have proved that drinking water can be less disease and longevity, drinking bad water will give birth to many patients can not understand. We also passed a certain area of civil longevity village, the reason for this is that the place of water, such as a good story.
On China's current drinking water, we are here to big city tap water as an example, although the country in 2007 on the promulgation of a new drinking water standard for the transfer of the original 35 indicators changed to 106 targets, but This does not say that we drink water on the qualified, and is the description of the chemical pollution of surface water requires us to raise the water standards, according to the information, said the ground floor of 150 meters has also been deep-water pollution. Therefore, we must importance of drinking water filters to detect and deeper problem, Why?
1, tap water may be qualified factory standards, but after a long-distance transmission, not on the pipeline to avoid secondary pollution, and some places is not only a pipeline of pollution problems, such as high-rise district of water storage tanks is the most serious pollution example (in the dead rats found bubbles larger than a cat), etc.;
2, there are units in many cities residential quarters of the water instead of tap water supply company waterworks, but fighting units supply their own deep wells, as units of various conditions, the water simply can not pass;
3, there is the city's old residential area is underground pipes installed 50 years ago, the building had been leaking everywhere aging, such as water pipes and underground garbage, such as dirt even together, so that will give the water a greater harm to the body.
In short, as a result of a variety of reasons and circumstances, the city's water has been unable to reach the needs of human health standards, so the need for health to think of ways to improve.
From another perspective, even if it is normal tap water, there are three aspects need attention:
1, tap water standards are safety standards for human drinking water, rather than human health standards; This is a huge difference;
2, now most people still drink boiled the water, from a health perspective this is unhealthy, why? Because the tap water in the process of boiling the water of dissolved oxygen also evaporation, so water cooler water the flowers dead flowers, fish dead fish, that is, through the heating Although killing bacteria, but also kills the human body needs The nutrients and minerals has changed the composition and function, so this can not be healthy!
3, also in the tap water there antivirus needs of chlorine residues, the most deadly are those heavy metals, these substances enter the body after it is very difficult to discharge, the platoon did not happen out and left in the body should be on bodily harm! Therefore, it should not be allowed to enter to be considered!
Also want to say is that bottled water, in the 315 event in 2002, the China Central Television has broadcast a serious problem of bottled water, a medical garbage barrels manufacturing, and the other is filling with water, and 50% failed over the issue of shocking people, do not dwell in the meeting.
Over the years, many studies have revealed the water and cardio-cerebral vascular disease mortality relationship, the study shows that the hardness and total dissolved solids are two useful factors, which are associated with lower mortality rates of cardio-cerebral vascular disease is associated.
Water hardness is the value refers to the total amount of calcium and magnesium or CaCO3 quantity, CaCO3 more water more hardware, CaCO3 fewer, more soft water.
Now, accompanied by the development of technology, filtering harmful substances and to retain these beneficial substances in the water equipment has been a number of enterprise development: also developed a water generator called electrolysis machine can restore Health alkalescent to restore water and weak acid water, alkaline inside, and acidic water for external use, can be described as a machine producing water, the two machines can be used together, so that the output will be a good water, and now, this machine has in some large shopping malls on sale, I buy After test results are obvious, has banned a number of coarse grains. The water is alkaline, small molecules, negative potential, can achieve the body's needs, mainly water permeability very good things to eat under the fast, which is impossible in the past, according to the current experiment look, there would certainly be a windfall! Hope that we attach importance to!

Talk of a heart attack 11 (worship of the side effects of aspirin)

Had heart disease, cerebrovascular disease or high blood pressure disease, the doctor recommends taking worship more than aspirin, when asked to take a day, and long-term use. The role of this drug is mainly anti-hemagglutinin and diluted blood, and cardio-cerebral vascular diseases as a result of their own blood viscosity, blood in the garbage a lot, easily lead to thrombosis, which is to take the drug helps the formation of anti-thrombosis. Click here to talk about such a reason is a very good medication to address cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease were a very big problem, a very big problem solved through a drug, it should be said this is a good thing for all happy, if effective use of long-term, then, for cardio-cerebral vascular diseases people to solve a big problem, we can avoid the worries. In fact, the drug can be taken long-term process, there is a side-effects can not be overcome, the side effects of long-term use in all of the people are universal, without exception, and this is the problem of gastrointestinal bleeding. Gastrointestinal bleeding is due aspirin after taking an insurmountable long-term side effects, serious difficulties caused by blood flow only, the formation of a new disease, the individual appeared to reduce the platelet problem, caused to the patient's body a new dangers. At this time, patients need to disable the drug, the drug intervention to restore the non-normal blood coagulation system re-established, but there is an additional problem: that is, the restoration of blood viscosity after Hemagglutination solution no matter how problems. Dr. Yu Shi proposal once again to take, and in patients with bleeding again only difficult, so the cycle.
Beit taking aspirin, the bleeding cycle is becoming shorter and shorter, the first is generally about one and a half years time, and the second time not to a year's time, followed by becoming shorter and shorter cycles This resulted in new problems, that is, be able to continue taking the issue of al aspirin and the drug on the liver also have some impact, long-term use is certainly the point of death, then what drug to replace it?
In order to fundamentally solve the problem should have a safe, long-term approach to do: This is the total adjustment of diet, fundamentally green method to solve the problem, so that real blood back to basics, to achieve long-term, does not affect the liver real change in blood quality.

Talk of a heart attack ten (self-judgment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease in five stages)

We all know that people born at the beginning, if there is no inherent problems, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular healthy. By now the beginning of human cytology popular argument is: when the person is weak alkaline constitution, is cardio-and cerebro-vascular health, but as time changes, people's eating habits are different people's physique changed, because most people eat a lot of acidic food after turning acidic physique, they also began to change cells, blood vessels will be the beginning of precipitation garbage, and thus began the most common humanity, but also induced the highest proportion of people were killed disease, according to current statistics show: It is now 75 years old - between 85-year-old crowd, more than 99% have varying degrees of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and 70 percent of human deaths are caused due to cardio-cerebral vascular diseases The. This is a great figure, almost everyone could not escape the robbery, so that people have to find a deal with cardio-cerebral vascular disease to the road. At present the latest scientific way to adjust their own diet, a gradual adoption of a healthy lifestyle so as to effectively prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases plagued the development of cardio-cerebral vascular disease is gradually moving from the shallow, the general said between the following five paragraphs:
1, the first phase is above the lower abdomen began to swell, the various parts of the body began to grow fat, constipation phenomenon, when the attention of the most easy to resolve;
2, the second phase has already begun to break through the body's own immune first line of defense, that is, to break through the gastrointestinal digestion and absorption and drainage, a sense of fatigue began to appear, especially in the evening after work, very clear sense of fatigue, weight significant growth, there are her inability to feel, constipation, diarrhea occur from time to time;
3, the third phase has been to break through the body's immune second line of defense, to break through the liver and gallbladder Jiedu filtration systems, they often frequent, such as neurasthenia, when people's dark face, lips began to green, with the lower quality of sleep at night , susceptible to cold, accompanied by women's diseases, skin diseases, blotches, freckles, the emergence of diseases such as gastroenteritis;
4, the fourth phase has been to break through the body's immune third line of defense, when there will be a variety of diseases: such as high blood pressure, low blood pressure, gallstones, brain barriers, skin long package,腰腿pain, gout, diabetes, etc. ;
5, the fifth stage is the fourth stage of the inevitable, there is only a matter of time, as time goes by, one day in the heart, cerebrovascular disease suddenly broke out, the symptoms of heart disease are: shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, weakness, blurred vision, and consciously irregular heart beat; cerebrovascular as: headache, numb hands and feet side, activity is limited, such as EEG abnormalities. The outbreak occurred in more than after a meal, the end of life on this serious.
The self-testing is easy to implement, the approach to caring for the situation in accordance with its own, has been on the front, this does not say.

Talk of a heart attack nine (diet and disease differentiation Relations)

In our lives, there are many people think that there is food nutrition, on health benefits, in fact, this view is wrong. Others think I want to eat anything is the lack of body in this regard, therefore, I want to eat, what to eat what is the most correct, in fact, this view is wrong. Then, what diet is correct?
For us humans, eating is the length of our life the most important conditions, especially the human cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, is a direct relationship between the occurrence and diet. Now the latest research achievements of mankind that: only the correct diet and good living habits and a good mood and happy life is the only condition. The most important thing is diet, diet percentage should be 70%. This is from our ancient characters can be seen on: For instance, the word cancer, what is the "cancer" mean? Is a mouthful to eat, when to eat as much as a mountain when it became a "cancer" disease. Of course, here refers not to eat the right diet. But the "cancer" is eaten by the ancients this point is to recognize it.
In that case, the formation of cardio-cerebral blood vessels and the underlying causes of cancer what is it?
1, first of all, it should be said that the genetic and everyone's individual physical problems, a cardio-and cerebro-vascular and cancer is the most physical酸性体质, due to prolonged consumption of acidic foods can cause blood vessels within the acidic substances a large number of accumulation, this accumulation of blood vessels inside the cells also caused the decline in antioxidant capacity, that is, the capacity of the decline in activity, this time to look at cells under the microscope, then together we will find cell adhesion and will slow down swimming in the water is This is due to intravascular qualitative change, resulting in the back on a series of changes: such as the formation of fatty liver, abdominal fat accumulation, the gradual increase in blood pressure, blood vessels and so the gradual hardening of qualitative change, this quantitative change to a certain time that is, when the outbreak of the disease;
2, the second question is to talk about food, because a large number of long grain and meat consumption, as well as acidic foods such as oils and fats has caused a number of issues mentioned above, so in order to return to their original state must be a "drastic measure "approach, which is to disable the original consumption of large amount of acidic foods and a large number of long alkalescent food consumption can be a fundamental reversal of the disease; (Note: acidic foods, including grain, pork, beef, mutton, etc.; alkaline Foods are mostly vegetables and fish.)
3, the normal time schedule is a necessary condition for the resumption of the body, where the body is to restore cell activity and functional recovery; the restoration of the body while at the same time adhering to regular physical exercise, exercise to speed up the flow of the standard is the result that the body sweating So far, if you do not do that, then this is the cause of the disease;
4, to stay away from alcohol and tobacco, especially cigarettes! It is a cardio-cerebral vascular disease, one of the main original murder, the principle is the cycle of blood to go through the lungs Oxygenating, smoking after lung oxygen content and its quality is extremely poor and the blood cells and thus to update itself on the lack of oxygen, so a direct impact on cell viability, which are more powerful than meat ah!
5, In fact, the most crucial issue is to change people's eating concept, this is the most important. Need to know: When the person's blood quality at its best, the body's ability to resist external disease is strongest.
Diet and disease is the nature of relations in accordance with the specific circumstances of each person to adjust, if it is alkaline physical person, you can eat some acidic foods, if it is酸性体质people, we should eat some basic food, only achieve acid-base balance, and vitality of the human body can only healthier.
Dietary restraint and timely adjustment is to ensure the health of the premise, and only physical health, and work and life is more exciting and meaningful, there are some people in the fight to make a living body, I think this is wrong. Now this day and age than of knowledge and cognitive ability than age, physical hard times have passed, and if it is not aware of this, it is not just a question of physical loss.

Talk of a heart attack eight (most early detection of cancer treatment and caring)

Cancer is also a blood disease, the latest research results that: the blood of cancer because of the poor quality of the worst in a long time after the worst of the worst results. Therefore, it can be included in the cancer of cardio-cerebral vascular disease on to analyze.
According to the latest research data shows that: Cancer is the poisoning as a result of cell divisions and generate a large number of cloning, the most basic reasons or because of blood caused by poor quality, given that it is because the quality of blood lead, it can be found from the blood of its earliest lesions situation.
In fact, the human body against the disease early warning system is very sensitive, when abnormal blood or human illness, the body would be uncomfortable or loss of appetite, and some will be reflected in more intense. If it is malignant diseases of the blood with the beginning of Ni, who will be at a whole body of non-smooth, and in full inspiratory hold after gas pressure in blood vessels accompanied by a large number of small stinging and non-smooth feeling. If at this time to do blood tests, you will find signs of the disease.
Cancer in the early stage, there would be more performance: check the blood will be found, such as total bilirubin and indirect bilirubin superscalar; there 50 times in the ultra-high-fold in dried blood under the microscope will be more sialic acid strains; another from other blood tests also can be found showing a similar disease, when these performance, it is necessary to take measures as soon as possible, otherwise you will aggravate the disease. After the treatment of exacerbations should be up more trouble.
According to the latest available figures, the early detection of cancer to take to drink carrot juice from this method is the best treatment so far. Drink vegetable juice and drink Law as follows:
1, day three meals of carrot juice,每顿with six larger more than 500 ml of carrot juice, apple juice at the same time increase income slowly with the mouth and then swallow slowly;
2, Supplementary food must be fresh fruit and vegetables, wash after the old mature vinegar dip raw, remember not to eat salt and sugar, can not be in the mix lettuce;
3, in the use of carrot juice during the period by no means ready food and cooked food to eat, drink tea, to drink tea;
4, must be assisted consumption supplements are: the daily spoonful of protein powder; vitamin E 2; VC twice 4; Spirulina like每顿15, Dayton Daily 3; (Note: must use of vitamin from plants extracted, do not use chemically synthesized);
5, began taking the time to control in more than three months, followed by 15 days per month for the best;
6, blood diseases are caused due to a low sodium high-K, and therefore usually have to eat less salt, eat some fruit for the best orange;
7, there is an important issue that is sick must be adjusted after a good mentality, change unhealthy habits, does not drink, do not smoke, sleep sleep at noon, no later than 22:00 must be 11 o'clock to go to bed on time;
8, a day exercise, the activities of at least 1 hour, but also to do better each time activities are sweating.
9, maintain a good mood, good mood and happy to deal with all.
This approach can not only the early treatment of cardio-cerebral vascular disease and early cancer, for patients with advanced disease and other patients who also have great therapeutic effect, but due to the traditional thinking of the people affected and their loved ones at home "advice" often difficult to implement, the result on the result of premature deaths.
Should let everyone know: the vast majority of diseases are due to the formation of blood quality, and if the high quality of people's blood, and will in all kinds of non-invasive! In the hope you will cherish their own, but also cherish their own lives!
Hope that we try, practice has proved: the health of people use this approach to health is also very beneficial, young lady by this method can achieve the purpose of healthy weight loss, while maintaining excellent appearance. Hope that we exchange messages and visitors! Thanks!

Talk of a heart attack within seven (statin drugs)

Scored after cardio-cerebral vascular disease, the most terrible result is that the blood off the plaque, (Note: The plaque refers to the original by shedding the blood of garbage dip stick precipitation in the vessel wall of the hard-caking off) of these plaques After shedding the blood vessels associated with blood flow in the face of capillary blood vessels narrow or plug Department occurs, we all know: When the blood vessels after the event will result in blocking the stress response, this response is the result of blood vessels to contract, The contraction of vascular event, will be further intensified to plug, so that will result in the blocking of blood flow downstream, the occurrence of drying up after the lower part of organizations or muscle avascular necrosis occurs. Such lesions known as thrombosis in the medical profession. If the thrombosis occurred in the brain, the serious quickly capture lives better can also lead to the physically disabled; if there is in the limbs, also due to the lower part of the muscle by blocking or organization because of avascular necrosis and must be taken to surgery , and some are even amputation.
From the previous article have been aware of the causes of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in general, according to the years of human death statistics are available, that is, the population of nearly 70% of deaths due to cardio-cerebral vascular diseases caused by, especially the elderly, almost 90% are caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. Therefore, the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases must be as the main enemy of our lives to treat. According to the medical profession in recent years, research results, statin drugs can significantly reduce the mortality rate of cardio-cerebral vascular disease, in October 2007 a British Central Television broadcast the results of research, said: They studied by the statistics, long-term use of statins drugs can so cardio-and cerebro-vascular disease mortality has dropped by nearly 30%. This is a good news, can significantly extend the human life. However, statins also flawed, and this is long-term use of these drugs would result in certain bone and liver damage. So far, no clinical confirmation, after the food category of people deemed useful statin drugs. I know that a high price has not been confirmed a long-term clinical trials. But we do think that a good beginning and direction.

Talk of the six heart disease (heart disease reversal premise)

Cerebrovascular disease in mind the detection of human blood samples, 98% of patients with high blood cholesterol and high blood lipids, these two indicators is the formation of blood vessels blocked the main reason.
We know: is divided into high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein cholesterol is good, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is bad. High density lipoprotein is the main reason for blocking blood vessels; and the higher high-density lipoprotein, blood vessels more difficult to plug.
The past, the medical profession that irreversible coronary heart disease; now, this should be changed. Modern science has to understand the causes of heart disease, therefore, as long as there is for scientific diet and exercise, heart disease can be reversed.
Blocked blood vessels in order to ensure a reversal, the first thing to consider is to make its own high-density lipoprotein increased and reduced their low density lipoprotein in order for the heart and brain blood vessel blockage reversed.
According to World Health Organization survey, the world's heart of the high incidence of cerebrovascular disease is not in the coastal areas, but far away from the coast to inland.
According to a large number of clinical trials abroad that contribute to heart disease reversal of Fish Oil. Coastal areas have less heart disease one of the reasons is because the consumption of large amount of unsaturated fatty fish --- especially deep-sea fish.
China's TCM records fungus and mushrooms are also said to get through the role of blood vessels, thus the fungus known as vascular Qualcomm.
According to foreign countries in recent years on the cardio-cerebral vascular disease further analysis was: nutritional imbalances caused by cell oxidation fast, its cells can not be normal to play a role in the formation of cardio-cerebral vascular diseases is also one of the reasons why.
The causes of heart disease are due to food and fat intake and the formation of more, then, to make it a reversal, it is necessary to reverse. Is to thoroughly change the eating habits and to strengthen the training, mainly to promote an hour later after a meal to walk more than 3 kilometers as the best, or the equivalent of three kilometers this same activity. The main purpose is to digest these foods.
In fact, heart reversed a lot of food. From the type that: All vegetables, beans, melons, including peanuts, sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams and a small number of eggs, etc.; of course, mushrooms, edible fungus; In addition, the fish meat in addition to fish outside the most edible, in particular, deep-sea fish better.
When eating these foods after a period of time, will be to breathe smoothly, the whole body relaxed, energetic. After further adjustment is necessary to diet, that is, a small amount of increase in some protein foods such as chicken, duck, a small amount of lean meat (not exceeding 12 the next day).
In the consumption of food, should we vote for green food, non-perishable food contaminated food.
When you do these, you must be a long time, because only the blood of good quality, not only in all kinds of transgression. But often can not stand most people, especially the traditional concept of the impact of too much, most people can not confrontation.
There are those who know nothing about, more often than not died, mostly due to not understand the sudden death. Hou-man passed away as the most typical, he is not comfortable with the morning, noon tired after eating a bowl jajangmyeon, on the bowl to his life has been. Unfortunately, there are many people do not understand them!

Talk of a heart attack five (the role of physical exercise's health)

Human body's circulatory system as we winter heating water systems, in addition to a need to adjust the quality of blood (such as for heating water with salt water to soften the same), also need to pay attention to the inner wall of blood vessels and the outer wall maintenance. Both inside and outside the walls of blood vessels and maintenance, maintenance of the principal depends on a reasonable physical activity. According to the United States, professor of cardiovascular outcome of the latest research, said: the human body's blood every day needs of the rapid flow of more than two, whose role is to wash the blood vessel wall of dirt and the rapid flow of blood through the blood to clear the refuse in order to achieve the blood vessel The purpose of softening. After the rapid flow of blood in the blood to produce a substance called nitric oxide, this material will be cleared and the blood vessel wall of garbage and excreted through sweat.
So, how is it reasonable physical activity? This issue is varies from person to person, and the activities of some people need a strong ability on the activities of a moment, some people less physical activity weak moment, but the bottom line of the activities of the general need to control more than 30 minutes to sweat for a good body. In the activities generally do not engage in intense, especially middle-aged and elderly, to the extent of sweating it, such as can insist that time can stretch some. As long as my heart rate was accelerated it, time and sweat to determine each person a reasonable time for a good exercise.
This exercise is to maintain, maintenance of the circulatory system of blood vessel wall, a long time in order to receive significant results; for the vascular wall of the maintenance and upkeep is another set of options. This is mostly in China to use their own hands lightly tap various parts of the body limbs, head, including eyes, are suitable for hand massage. This flap to adhere to 20 minutes a day more than more than a few months in order to adhere to achieve the desired result. And outside China have used hot springs, the body heat, sauna, professional massage and other methods. But regardless of which method is to promote micro-vascular circulation, which means to accelerate the promotion of capillary circulation, so as to protect the human muscle activity, so the body's muscles and other long flexible benefits. In fact, only the muscles of living, can the skin moisturizing, moisturizing skin and muscle, the circulatory system of blood vessel wall will be maintenance, maintenance of good. Would like to remind you that in this way, the outer wall of the blood vessels of the circulatory system maintenance, maintenance of the premise is to be vegetarian for more than three months and confirmed the quality of blood under normal circumstances in order to receive results, or else will be accidents! Keep this in mind!
Why it is necessary to adjust the quality of blood vessel wall can do after the maintenance, maintenance activities? Because the blood quality adjusted properly, the blood still a large number of free radicals (what we commonly known as spam) that their rubbish in the blood as the formation of particulate matter in many different things with the flow of blood everywhere, if not removed out on the beat, a very easily give rise to the capillaries of the plug, the formation of blood stasis or partial necrosis of skin problems.
Here, everyone should understand the importance of adjusting the quality of blood, the blood quality and not adjust well, the blood of the waste will cause trouble sooner or later, these things block where we all can not stand, plug in the heart is coronary heart disease, blocking cerebral embolism in the brain that is, if high blood pressure coupled with the hardening of the arteries, it will cause a stroke, etc., it is even more dangerous.
In our lives, many people in the 70-80 years old also seems to be particularly young, moisturizing the skin is still quite bright, and some people on the 50-60 year-old wrinkled skin dry and matte, which is to adjust the quality of the two blood only the appearance of different results.
This exercise is also a direct and adjust our life and health are directly linked, so it should arouse our attention. Some friends that were still young, but also有一拼; Some said to make a living on the Advisory Board can not so much, this way of thinking should not be! I am not ill all those years, just like them when they want to be when I come out from the operating room after fleeing aware: I would like to Hou then hung up, the world no longer exciting and I have nothing to do, because I was can know?

Talk of a heart attack four (vegetables and fruits on the role of the body)

July 16, 2007 "Healthy Times" 14 version of an article entitled "the effect of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable detoxification good" text: summarized as follows:
The fruit and vegetable juice into a juice drink, do not use because of energy to digest and the occupier, but also to the efficiency of a large number of very high intake of all nutrients. The energy savings can be used to purify the work in a timely manner. The accumulation of body fat will become a waste, and fruit and vegetable juice contained in the rich variety of enzymes and other nutrients contribute to these body wastes discharged.
If drinking water every day fixed fruit and vegetable juice, you can clearly see around the stomach and buttocks fat was cut out as it did in the same left disappeared. Of course, if it is not freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice, as there would be no effect. Fruit and vegetable juice drink, do not drink the大口大口should be included in the mouth and saliva so that it fully mixed and then drink it. Obesity and diabetes, drink vegetable juice better than drink fruit juice, each drink 400 - 500 ml, a total of drink two liters a day.
Carrot vegetable juice made of the best, but also can be carrot-based, combined with celery, Chrysanthemum, rape, spinach, dark green lettuce, parsley, cabbage, cucumber, green pepper, and sugar beet, etc., as long as you like vegetables can go in with. If you find it difficult to drink, adding a small amount of Apple it.
With the above-mentioned article, the meaning of the same view in the United States, Britain and other countries has become a major factions, a professor from the United States I have read a book written by the two main perspectives: the first is a healthy drink if they insist on 10 days per month fruit and vegetable juice over, then make a fundamental change in the blood, it will not invade all diseases. The author asked to drink fruit and vegetable juices do not eat cooked food during the period, with the exception of fruit and vegetable juice drinks, the hungry eat fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, so as to achieve their goals; the second is the author cited a large number of examples to illustrate method of cancer patients have the complete eradication of the disease role, that is to say, this method can be cured of cancer.
I am sick of self-tune the use of this law, indeed benefit from the very. So I feel that this method for coronary heart disease and cerebral thrombosis and other blood diseases have a significant effect!
From the practice felt that the use of this diet can not only treat disease, the most important thing is that it can adjust the quality of blood, so there will be a multitude of advantages: such as weight loss, beauty, longevity, light physical exercises, to improve the physical fitness and so many benefits.
Normal life in the state, adhering to eat more vegetables and fruits, less meat and refined grains, as well as improving the quality of blood, but need some more time.
Now we have a new saying that acidic food and alkaline food problems. This point of view the food into two categories is acidic foods are pork, beef, mutton and processed refined grains fine; The other is alkaline vegetables and a variety of coarse grains. Acidic foods is harmful to humans; useful basic food on the human body. In any case, in accordance with its own test to see that these allegations have a scientific basis, are correct and hope that we try, we explore together.
I would like to say eating less refined grains is based on each person's own activities in the size of the volume, and if it is strong in manual work, every day is also all right to eat more points. But if the copy of the age and type of work more than 50 years old, not more than two a day on food for the two properly.
There is also a cardio-cerebral vascular disease, summary of people can not eat things that are eating sugar, this thing is a hundred of harm and no benefit, we only have to look at it on the machining process to understand why we are so that this process with lime foam filter has added to a process of high temperature. Held, at this point everyone would understand why, when this kind of processing, but also what it nutrition? I think that healthy people also try to eat better.

Heart talk ter (our bodies)

Maintain our physical life is actually to protect the piping system by the two sets of material supply.
We called the digestive system of a pipeline, from the mouth at the entrance to begin the order as follows: esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, anus. Which was below the food into the stomach, gallbladder and pancreas, and lymphatic and other aids digestion sector plays an enormous functional roles;
In addition a system known as the circulatory system of our pipeline system of blood, fresh blood from the lungs start fresh in the lungs of oxygen into the heart to be assigned, from a heart ventricle into another through the heart after ventricular pressure transported to the body various parts of the blood vessels. In the blood circulation, the liver plays a significant function of filtering and the protection of the role of detoxification. Require attention are: the quality of blood is a health or the basis of the extremely important, for example, a person's blood viscosity, then his blood circulation to slow, it marks a person's state of the beginning of subhealth , because the length of a person's blood vessels to the size of single-opened around the world can be almost as long, so long lines, sticky blood to the heart of such a long distance to the local, which requires much pressure ah, in the course of this cycle, if blood viscosity, and the cycle slowed down, then to the body and limbs close to the skin capillaries, the residence time will be even more prolonged, then relying on the blood Hou with oxygen has been depleted, there is no oxygen in the blood is not dynamic, so this time people will feel very tired, the fatigue is because the bad blood caused by microcirculation. With this feeling if they should create a great importance, it should immediately adjust with diet and nutrition. The aim is to dilute the blood, in order to ensure the good condition of blood vessels.
Can be really happened? Because this time the majority of the people in the 30-40 year old age, career and family is also increased during the boom, the focus is not thinking of their own physical, do not know how coupled with the knowledge, etc. a variety of reasons, do not even accept any such caring perspective, therefore, eat according to eat, drink according to drink, according to pump pumping. Adhere to the results of these bad habits is to accelerate the hardening of blood vessels and narrow, and finally quickly coronary heart disease, such as a cerebral thrombosis. Even worse is the heart and cerebrovascular diseases have shown some incidence of the phenomenon, while others simply did not, in particular, there is no performance, the most easily lead to irreparable loss, how many years of well-known world-class people who fell to the Such non-appearance of the heart under the ah!
Professor Hu Dayi北医大other day told a story: that is in the Korean War, the U.S. military doctors will be U.S. soldiers killed in action in the body of an autopsy carried out analysis, results are an average of 21.5 years of age have been vasculopathy phenomenon. According to records: 50 U.S. soldiers during food intake and we are now almost. They are mostly meat and food, instant food most.
This example also proves that the traditional food and traditional diet is not necessarily science.
When our long viscous blood and blood vessels narrow, if not to change the eating and living habits, but also continue to make blood viscosity, it could happen at any time vascular plug (ie infarction), which plug plugging in there, there on the inflammation of the illness, plugging in the kidney is the kidney inflammation, blocking the heart is coronary heart disease, the brain is blocked in cerebral infarction. The reason is that we are each part of the body muscles need fresh blood and oxygen nutritional support, if they lose this nutrition, muscle inflammation or death will be, that is, if this plug blocked the body parts of the body would be physically blocked blood vessel inflammation or necrosis after the part, it is necessary to block in the heart, will myocardial infarction, even if the rescue came, blocking off blood vessels will be permanent after the myocardial necrosis, which means it is not renewable. To the brain is blocked in the brain stem, because the brain blood vessels governing the nervous system, so we can easily result in peacetime, said the "circle."
Therefore, we should pay attention to diet, importance of diet in itself is not good or not, but for the sake of the body and life needs. Two sets of physical pipeline system in the diet of mutual support, mutual cooperation and interaction between the survival of the circumstances, life is to survive in this mutual. Therefore, we view in order to preserve the body's fresh, it is necessary according to the scientific approach to diet and nursed back to health.